Alt decor, noi inca mai jucam acelasi rolPleci grabita, nu e chiar nimic intamplatorTu spui ca amandoi am fi gresitVei sa impartim vina la doiSi contempland la minus infinitAduci un teatru de razboiM-ai spus ca o sa doara putinCa o sa doara si o sa treacaDar ai plecat asa seninTu om cu inima de piatraM-ai spus ca o sa doara putinCa o sa doara si o sa treacaDar ai plecat asa seninTu om cu inima de piatra Semn bun, se arata diminineataAlt drum, care sa-mi schimbe viataSimt cum, se inclina balantaPe drum, pe drum, pe drum, heiSemn bun, se arata diminineataAlt drum, care sa-mi schimbe viataSimt cum, se inclina balantaPe drum, pe drum, pe drum, heiRatacesc cu tine-n suflet, cum sa ma oprescNu pot fi asa cum iti doresti, dar mai gresesc Tu spui ca amandoi am fi gresitVei sa impartim vina la doiSi contempland la minus infinitAduci un teatru de razboi
Another setting, we still play the same role <br>hurried, it's not anything random <br>You say we both be wrong <br>You to share blame in two <br>And contemplating negative infinity <br>bring a theater of war <br><br>I have said it to hurt less <br>Ca a hurt and a pass <br>but you left so suddenly <br>you man-hearted <br>I have said it to hurt less <br>like a hurt and a pass <br>but you left so suddenly <br>you man-hearted <br><br>sign good, diminineata show <br>another way, to change my life <br>I feel is tip the balance <br>on the road, the road on the way, hey <br>good sign, it shows diminineata <br>another way, to change my life<br>I feel is tip the balance <br>on the road, the road on the way, hey <br><br>wander keep in mind, how to stop <br>may not be exactly as you want, but wrong <br>You say we both be wrong <br>You to share come to two <br>And contemplating negative infinity <br>bring a theater of war

Another decoration, we still play the same role<br>You're leaving in a hurry, it's not really anything random<br>You say we'd both be wrong<br>You're going to split the blame at two<br>And contempling the infinite minus<br>Bring a war theater<br><br>You told me it would hurt a little<br>That it would hurt and pass<br>But you left so serene<br>You man with the heart of stone<br>You told me it would hurt a little<br>That it would hurt and pass<br>But you left so serene<br>You man with the heart of stone <br><br>Good sign, it shows the morning<br>Another way to change my life<br>Feel how, tilt the scales<br>On the road, on the road, on the way, hey<br>Good sign, it shows the morning<br>Another way to change my life<br>Feel how, tilt the scales<br>On the road, on the road, on the way, hey<br><br>I wander with you in the heart, how to stop<br>I can't be the way you want it, but I'm wrong <br>You say we'd both be wrong<br>You're going to split the blame at two<br>And contempling the infinite minus<br>Bring a war theater

Another set, we still play the same role<br>You're leaving in a hurry, there's really nothing going on.<br>You say we'd both be wrong<br>You'll share the blame<br>And contemplating the infinite minus<br>You bring a theater of war<br>You told me it would hurt a little.<br>That it'll hurt and it'll pass<br>But you left so suddenly<br>You man with a heart of stone<br>You told me it would hurt a little.<br>That it'll hurt and it'll pass<br>But you left so suddenly<br>You man with a heart of stone<br>Good sign, it shows in the morning<br>Another way to change my life<br>I feel the balance tilting<br>On the road, on the road, hey<br>Good sign, it shows in the morning<br>Another way to change my life<br>I feel the balance tilting<br>On the road, on the road, hey<br>Losing with you in my heart, how to stop<br>I can't be what you want me to be, but I'm wrong.<br>You say we'd both be wrong<br>You'll share the blame<br>And contemplating the infinite minus<br>You bring a theater of war<br>